"Hi! We wanted just to say WELCOME ..."

Published: Wed, 09/06/17

"When you find a man that has lost his way, you don’t make fun of him and scorn him and leave him there. You show him the way. If you don’t do that, you just prove you are sort of lost  yourself.”                                         -Zora Neale Hurtso-

IMI Asset Management Company E-Newsletter                   SEPT 2017
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What To Do If  You're Closing In On Retirement and Feel Lost

Amongst all the horrible devastation to property and people’s lives as a result of Hurricane Harvey, there still is a ’gleam’ of Light.   People coming together helping each other.  It’s in dire circumstances such as this people only react from what is within their heart...compassion, the need to help another human being in distress, putting one’s ‘self’ aside and blossoming into a ’giver’ unto other’s needs.  What’s more amazing is that...  [CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE]

 The Hero Of The Towers

Cyril Richard "Rick" Rescorla was born in 1939 in Cornwall, the southwestern-tip of England.  As a boy, he watched as American troops filled his hometown, preparing for the invasion of Normandy in 1944.  He admired these brave soldiers and wanted to.... [CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE TO PG 2 & 3]

Six  'Simple' Wealth Building Principles Utilizing The FIA & IUL

Why not just follow the simple Six Wealth Building Principals of John Templeton?  After all, he was the founder of the Templeton Mutual Funds, a pioneer global investor.  Let’s take a look at...  [CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE TO PAGE 3 & 4]
 Two of the Biggest Tax Breaks for the Restaurant Industry

Modified on:  Wed, 20 Jun, 2016 at 4:15
Origianl article published online at GMGSaving.comtwo-of-the-biggest-tax-breaks-of-the-restuarant-industry-2 8/6/12

Two of the biggest tax provisions that affect the restaurant industry are the 15 -Year Restaurant Depreciation and the Worker Opporutnity Tax Credit.  

Both tax provisions expired at the end of 2011 but look like theyCare back with the inital passing [CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE TO PAGE 4]




Save up to $9,600 for every employee you hire!
Karla M. Leonard, CEO/ Asset Manager
Karla M. Leonard, CEO/ Asset Manager
(888) 383-3068