"Hi! We wanted just to say WELCOME ..."

Published: Fri, 06/16/17

IMI Asset Management Company E-Newsletter                   JUNE  2017
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How To Capture Your Maximum Opportunity

What do you think is the one thing that's most irretrievably missed?  

If you are thinking "a daily opportunity" then you can move  to the "head of the class"...you're right!

You see those beautiful flowers?  Those gorgeous flowers are called a “Desert Rose” and only blooms in the month of May.  Actually it is a cactus plant.  The flower opens each morning and closes once the sun goes down. These gorgeous blooms only last for a few days..  [CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE]

 Cycling In The Park
By Karla M. Leonard

It seems like it was just    yesterday, instead of way over twenty plus years ago ....[CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE]

10 'MUST DO' Estate Planning Strategies

I look back now, and can honestly say, on that "Sunday" I took every bit of 'cash' that was allotted to me on that day and I 'spent' it wisely.'

How about you?  Are you taking for granted the gift of life and overlooking the many treasures available to you that can make your retirement great?  [CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE]
 Break The Homeowner Liquidity Trap with Better Tax Planning

Long-time Silicon Valley homeowners who bought homes back when there were more orchards than tech companies face a liquidity trap when they decide to sell their homes.
The dramatic rise in home values over the last 30 years has had the  happy result of substantial return on the homeowner’s original investment. However, along with soaring appreciation rates comes a [CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE]

Karla M. Leonard, CEO/ Asset Manager
Karla M. Leonard, CEO/ Asset Manager
(888) 383-3068